Hut mountain shelter

Rifugio Malga Malera – San Giorgio Bosco Chiesanuova

  • Where is Rifugio Malga Malera?
    Hut mountain shelter Rifugio Malga Malera is located 45 km from Verona and about 1 hour from Garda Lake.
    gsp coordinates >> 45.678122284116725, 11.09581648322955
    When you arrive in San Giorgio di Bosco Chiesanuova (Vr), park your car and in only 25 minutes far walking you’ll arrive at the Shelter.
  • Why to choose Rifugio Malga Malera?
    Rifugio Malga Malera is the ideal place to taste many typical deliciousness from Veneto’s mountain tradition like: gnocchi di malga, knodeln, polenta with mushrooms, polenta with deer stew, home made cakes…
  • What about Lessinia?
    Alta Lessinia territory, which extends from 1200m to over 1800m in the north-eastern part, is characterized by the widespread presence of Malghe (alpine farmsteads), a type of estate made up of smallish meadows, wooded areas and buildings or functional contructions used for Summer Alpine grazing that for decades has regulated the customs and practices of mountain life.
  • Sport and Leisure in Lessinia?
    During the summer you can rent bike or e-bike and discover this wonderful place, trekking tour between the huts, walk for all preparations level.
    During  the winter you can try cross-countring skiing, snowshoeing, skimountaineering and lovely walk on walking snow routs.

CONTACT US +39 3421714873 – follow us on Instagram @rifugiomalgamalera